Our Mission

The mission of the Oxrose Academy is to grow holy, wise, and joyful saints for the bounty of the kingdom of God and the good of the world through academic achievement, moral and spiritual formation, and family and school community involvement.

Gaudio sicut gladiis semper in altum

"With Joy like Swords, Ever unto the Heights" ~  This is the motto of Oxrose Academy, and it summarizes our entire mission for teaching the human person at our academy. We strive to teach students to work in their studies, to play in their games, and to connect with each other with Joy so vibrant that their Joy will permeate all darkness like a sword cutting through the curtain of darkness.

Meet the Team

Our Founders ...

In 2011, while homeschooling their small brood of 4, Kenneth and Alecia Rolling recognized a growing need in their local homeschool community for further quality instruction during the middle and high school years. Their own extensive backgrounds in education qualified them to meet this need, and they were eager to do so.

It was the convergence of their desire to thus serve their community with their personal conviction to be near their own (extended) family that inspired them to draw from their many years of experience in academia to create the Rolling Acres School, LLC.

Founded originally to provide only a few subjects, the Rolling Acres School  has since grown into a complete, full course and accredited academy, now called Oxrose. Deeply embedded within the life of the academy are the hallmarks that inspried its founding: excellence in education and value and priority of family.

Ken Rolling Square

Kenneth J. Rolling, Owner and Headmaster
Author of Oxrose Academy Trivium, Philosophy, and Theology sequence as well as the Traditio Nostra series used in our Great Books classes.

Mrs Rolling

Alecia J. Rolling, Owner and Instructor
Author of our Latin and Art Studio courses as well as instructor, Author of Schola Rosa PreK-6 Curriculum, Registrar

Our Chaplain and Secretary ...

Father Marascalco and Mrs. Walker are both locals in Mississippi, who provide Oxrose Academy founders, teachers, staff, parents, and students an immense service in both hours and prayer.


Father Michael Anthony Marascalco, Chaplain
Pastor of three parishes in the Diocese of Biloxi and spiritual supporter of our annual Rendezvous

Call Mary 3

Mary Walker, Secretary
The helpful voice on the telephone, ready to answer questions

Teacher Spotlight ...

These teachers have taught more than a few years at Oxrose Academy. They are credentialed and have the online, classical experience to manage classrooms and students in a respectful manner to guide students into the depths of ancient wisdom.

Zach Krueger

Zachary Krueger, M.S.
Instructor of Great Books, Logic, and History

Mr. Keatley in Action - Square

Joshua Keatley, M.A.
Instructor of Great Books, Logic, History, and Latin

Mr. Walsh 2

Matthew Walsh, M.A.
Instructor of Great Books, Logic, History, and Math

"They [Oxrose Teachers] don't make school boring; they make it fun, and I look forward to it."
- Student, 2024-2025

The Method

Creating Opportunities for Authentic Catholic Community

We are virtual school that provides daily interractions with other people in the Catholic Faith and that instructs the Faith through various Student Life activities. It doesn't stop there! Each summer students and their families meet for Oxrose Rendezvous to experience a week long adventure with other school families. Having this personal experience with one another fuels our entire online experience throughout the school year.

"It [Oxrose] is a really good community of devout Catholics that strengthens me in my faith."
- Student, 2024-2025

Teaching a Classical Curriculum with a Classical Approach

Oxrose Academy's curriculum reflects the classical and medieval model of the trivium and quadrivium, as well as the traditions, old and new, of great books discussion, and the belief that, to broaden Newman's statement, "to be deep in history" is necessary to understand Christ and His Church. As such, students are guided through an integrated educational program that includes elements of each approach.


"I have been homeschooling for years, and all I can say is that I wish I had found Oxrose sooner! My teenagers are learning so much, and I am learning alongside them every day, not just academics, but how to be virtuous and live my faith."
- Oxrose Parent 2021

Implementing a Time-Tested Online Approach that minimizes student time on the web

We are an online school with virtual classes, but we have designed an approach to online schooling that greatly reduces the need for students to be online. Limited online time means more time at the family dinner table, more time outside, and more time interacting with family and friends locally.

Ready to Enroll?

Call Mary and schedule a class visit, to ask questions, or to start the registration process. We look forward to working with your family!

Email: office@oxroseacademy.com  Call: 507-822-6966