Our Patrons ...

Saint Thomas Aquinas
Oxrose Academy takes its twofold name from three saints. The "ox" is Saint Thomas Aquinas, the dumb-ox and Angelic Doctor. Aquinas is our patron because he is the author of the very heart of our curriculum. He is both the great master of the intellect and the romantic heart for God, who would have burned his books when once he spied their poverty next to that of which they spoke. More concretely, we find that solid Aristotelian-Thomistic philosophy and theology are the panacea for the intellectual ailments of today. We apply them liberally. We celebrate his feast on January 28th with Spirit Week.
Saint Rose Venerini
The "rose" signifies two saints: Saint Rose Venerini and Our Lady of the Rosary.
Rose Venerini labored lovingly for the education of girls throughout Italy in the 17th century. Despite many difficulties, she founded schools all over the country. Her goal was humble: to provide a Christian formation and to prepare children for civil society. The Venerinite mantra years after her death was Docere ut Salventur, "Educate to Save." This is the motto of Oxrose Press.

Mary, under her title "Our Lady of the Rosary," commemorates the victory of Christian troops at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7, 1571. No other saint is so closely connected to Christ's heart. Mary is the Mystic Rose in the Litany of Loreto. By providential connection, the rosary was given to St. Dominic, the founder of the Order of Preachers to which St. Thomas belonged.
In these three we find the intellect dedicated to Truth in wisdom, the will dedicated to the Good in love, the heart and memory dedicated to beauty in hope, and hands dedicated to man in service.