
The Oxrose approach to academics is built on these ideas.

We distinguish between intellectual education and moral and religious formation.  Religion is not a course of study, but a way of living.  Spiritual formation is undertaken on the paradigm of discipleship and practice.
Our academic courses go deep into the "perennial philosophy" of the West.  Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas are the tutors.  There is a special focus on the work of St. Thomas Aquinas, who synthesized the perennial philosophy with the Christian Faith better than anyone else (see Aeterni Patris, para. 17).
We keep academics lean and essential.  Students are expected to understand and retain what they learn.  Course sequences are cumulative.  Rich depth is valued over superficial breadth.
We integrate the curriculum subject-to-subject and past-to-present, helping students synthesize what they learn into a cohesive understanding of the self and the world.
We adapt the classical and mediaeval structure of the liberal arts as a pattern of ascent.  We begin with what we see in the world around us and trace it to its source in God.
We embrace the reading of primary texts which are then digested through Round-table Discussion.  Philosophy, literature, and theology are read in consort as students enter the "Great Conversation."
We include the mother tongue of the Church and our culture. Latin is studied by all students, opening their souls to the beautiful liturgy and vast library of the Church.

Courses by Subject


Students learn the Latin language and advanced grammar skills, studying  the parts and pieces of Latin language, which is the first leg of the mediaeval trivium. Latin also opens up the student to the living language of the Church and Her vast library of contributing authors.  Prayers and hymns abound.

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Great Books

Students read primary works from Catholic & Western Civilization and discuss them in a round-table format, thus joining in the "Great Conversation." Students learn to read, listen, speak, relish, and explore the true, good, and beautiful things that our tradition has to offer. Readings include literature, theology, and philosophy.

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In Logic, the art of reasoning.  In Rhetoric, the art of communicating.  In Nature, Man, & Science, the divisions of the sciences and the nature of  man defined. In Natural Theology & Law, metaphysics, God's existence and attributes. The ascent to the heights of reason. In Revealed Theology nature is crowned by revelation, reason by faith.

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Writing through imitation, peer assessment, and multiple drafts of a variety of composition types.  Topics integrate with Great Books courses.

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The narrative tale of the past provides context for grasping ideas and moral guidance for future choices.  History readings integrate with the Great Books sequence.

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Quantitative Science provides the gateway into theology and the key to reading the codes of the book of nature.

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We focus on the wonder of nature, disciplined scientific method, and operate from an Aristotelian-Thomistic realist philosophical perspective.

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Spiritual Formation

Apprenticeship, prayer, and discipleship. The focus is upon assimilating truth into daily life, growth in virtue and holiness, and a closer encounter with Christ.

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Studio Art

Learning to see the order of things and produce, through the mastery of technique, beauteous things.

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Modern Languages

The base of Latin is supplemented with courses available in German and French.

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Study Skills

How to courses in basic learning skills, typing, test taking, note taking, and other essential student tasks.

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