Why Study

Our great books courses are 3-in-1 classes that integrate Literature, Philosophy, and Theology into a single reading sequence.  Students read primary works from the great authors of Catholic & Western Civilization and discuss them in a round-table format.   Courses are organized by historical period with purposeful repetition:

7th Grade ~ Intro to Western Civilization

8th Grade ~ Ancient & Classical Times: The Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans, pillars of the West

9th Grade ~ The Christian Age: The christening of Europe that makes Christendom

10th Grade ~ Modern Times: Revolution, Liberalism, and Shakespeare

11th Grade ~ The American Idea: The Catholic experience in America

12th Grade ~ Return to Tradition: How, then, do we now live?

The sequence begins in antiquity and climb to modernity, then arc back to tradition to find the answers to the quandaries of modernity.  This pattern allows us to avoid ending with the skepticism and cynicism of the dominant modern trends and to "return to the tradition," in which answers abound (an idea inspired by Joseph Pierce).

The students learn to read, listen, speak, relish, and dispute the true, good, and beautiful things that our tradition has to offer.

Socratic Discussion

Round-table discussion teaches students to think clearly, speak forcefully, and relish the search for truth.


No textbooks here!  The reading each week is from a real book by a truly great author of the West.

Our Tradition

The historical arrangement immerses the students in the deep and compelling ideas, culture, and story of the West.

Helpful Resources

ARTICLE ~ "The Great Conversation" by Robert Hutchins - on the value of the approach and the meaning of liberal education
ARTICLES ~ Classical Homeschooling Magazine - A slew of articles on the Classical education, homeschooling, and the Great Books.  Has ties to Mortimer Adler and the Great Books movement he helped introduce.

Email: office@oxroseacademy.com  Call: 507-822-6966