Middle School Prerequisites

  • Completion of Schola Rosa Elementary Curricula or its equivalent provides the best preparation for Oxrose Academy.
  • Our primary recommendation for each grade level for students is as given below.  We do recommend that assessment be done on a case-by-case basis, as some students are not prepared for a full schedule of classes in 7th grade.
  • Parents are welcome to enroll students out of sequence, but should be aware that the schedule is created around these recommendations.  Course conflicts may arise for students taking courses out of sequence.
  • Oxrose Academy's Graduation Requirements provides four different Pathways to help your student graduate successfully with an Oxrose Diploma.
  • Contact the school to discuss the preparedness of your student.

7th Grade Enrollment

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  • GREAT BOOKS PRIMER: Intro to Western Civilization
  • HISTORY PRIMER: Origins of World Culture
  • COMPOSITION PRIMER: Complements GB Primer
  • MATH PRIMER: Saxon 7/6
  • STUDY SKILLS PRIMER: How to be an independent student
  • ELECTIVE(S): Studio Art

In addition to this schedule, we recommend sacramental preparation, a team sport, and musical performance.

"Primer" courses are specifically crafted for students new to a formal online class setting. They are the ideal introduction to this new way of doing school.

See the tuition and fees page for more information.

8th Grade Enrollment

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  • GREAT BOOKS 1: Ancient & Classical Times
  • HISTORY 1: The Roots of the West: Hebrews, Greeks, & Romans
  • COMPOSITION 1: Themes from GB 1
  • SPIRITUAL FORMATION 1: Praying the Old Testament
  • LATIN 1
  • MATH 1: Saxon 8/7
  • EMPIRICAL SCIENCE 1: Earth Science
  • STUDY SKILLS 1: Typing
  • ELECTIVE(S): Studio Art

In addition to this schedule, we recommend sacramental preparation, a team sport, and musical performance.

Some courses qualify as high school level: Latin, Great Books, and Trivium-Philosophy-Theology.

See the tuition and fees page for more information.

High School Prerequisites
  • Completing the 7th and 8th grade curricula above is the best preparation for transition into the high school curriculum.
  • 8th Grade Great Books 1, TPT 1, and Latin 1 receive high school credit.
  • In particular, our high school courses continue the sequences begun in the courses taken at the 8th grade level, which are, therefore, especially recommended.

9th Grade Enrollment

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  • GREAT BOOKS 2: The Christian Age
  • HISTORY 2: The History of Christian Culture, Part One
  • COMPOSITION 2: Complements GB 2
  • SPIRITUAL FORMATION 2: Praying the New Testament
  • TRIVIUM~PHILOSOPHY~THEOLOGY 2: Advanced Logic & Rhetoric
  • LATIN 2
  • MATH 2: Saxon Algebra
  • EMPIRICAL SCIENCE 2: Introductory Physics
  • ELECTIVE(S): Studio Art

In addition to this schedule, we recommend sacramental preparation, a team sport, and musical performance.

See the tuition and fees page for more information.

10th Grade Enrollment

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  • GREAT BOOKS 3: Modern Times
  • HISTORY 3: The History of Christian Culture, Part Two
  • COMPOSITION 3: Complements GB 3
  • SPIRITUAL FORMATION 3: Sacramental Life
  • TRIVIUM~PHILOSOPHY~THEOLOGY 3: Nature, Man, & Science
  • LATIN 3
  • MATH 3: Saxon Algebra 2 (Geometry Integrated)
  • EMPIRICAL SCIENCE 3: General Biology
  • ELECTIVE(S): Studio Art

In addition to this schedule, we recommend sacramental preparation, a team sport, and musical performance.

See the tuition and fees page for more information.


11th Grade Enrollment

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  • GREAT BOOKS 4: The American Idea
  • HISTORY 4: History of North America
  • COMPOSITION 4: Complements GB 4
  • TRIVIUM~PHILOSOPHY~THEOLOGY 4: Natural Theology & Law
  • LATIN 4 or another language, an elective, or study hall
  • MATH 4: Saxon Advanced Math, Part 1 (Geometry Integrated)
  • EMPIRICAL SCIENCE 4: General Chemistry
  • ELECTIVE(S): Studio Art

In addition to this schedule, we recommend sacramental preparation, a team sport, and musical performance.

See the tuition and fees page for more information.


12th Grade Enrollment

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  • GREAT BOOKS 5: Return to Tradition
  • HISTORY 5: World History
  • COMPOSITION 5: Complements GB 5
  • SPIRITUAL FORMATION 5: Mission & Vocation
  • LATIN 4/5 or another language, an elective, or study hall
  • MATH: Saxon Advanced Math, Part 2 (Geometry Integrated)
  • EMPIRICAL SCIENCE: Enroll in ES 2, 3, or 4
  • ELECTIVE(S): Studio Art

Coming in 2025-26 ~ ES 5: Physics & Cosmology

In addition to this schedule, we recommend sacramental preparation, musical performance, and a team sport.

See the tuition and fees page for more information.


Early Completion

Students who complete the full sequence of courses early will have acquired all the credits necessary for graduation according to the majority of state requirements.  Check your state's requirements to be sure. Oxrose Academy's Graduation Requirements provides four different Pathways to help your student graduate successfully with an Oxrose Diploma.

We recommend that the any remaining time be used: to complete transcript requirements, to take dual credit courses (check that these do not conflict with scholarship and aid rules for your student), to take upper level electives, to prepare for and take standardized tests, to seek work opportunities, and to spend time on the college application process.

Email: office@oxroseacademy.com  Call: 507-822-6966