Our full-time 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students have been registered to take the CLT 8 (for 7th-8th grade) and CLT 10 (9th-10th grade) on March 12th. This will be a remotely proctored exam, so please mark your calendars.
Meet Our Chaplain
Epic Preview of Things to Come – Teaser #1
Epic Teaser of Things to Come #2
Kenneth Rolling speaks at MCHEC 2018
June 1-2, 2018 Mr. Kenneth Rolling spoke at the Minnesota Catholic Home Educators Conference. Both he and his wife attended a booth in the Vendor Hall, where they enjoyed many conversations with conference attendees. MCHEC had done a fantastic job
2018 Scholar Ball and Co-op Workshops
May 22-23, 2018 were a big couple of days for the Broken Arrow Schola Rosa Co-op, which Alecia Rolling was privileged to share in as a speaker, attendee, and comrade. The Broken Arrow Intermediate Group has been active for 5
New Teachers = MORE Classes!

It has long been our goal to expand our class offerings to provide a full curriculum for 7th -12th grades. In 2018 we are taking a huge step toward this goal with a number of new classes. In addition to
Kenneth Rolling, Founder of R.A.S., to speak at Conference

We are pleased to announce that Kenneth Rolling will be a featured speaker at the Minnesota Catholic Education Conference June 1-2, 2018. He has taught kids of many different ages in a broad variety of settings from a brief stint
2018 Conference Attendance

Classic Learning Test Achievement by R.A.S. Student

The Classic Learning Test is a new standard entrance exam for high school students nationwide, and R.A.S. Online Academy and Schola Rosa proudly encourage students to take the Classic Learning Test. This year we are particularly proud to announce that