Technology - All Live Classes
Computer and Internet:
Students will be required to have regular access to a computer with internet speeds that allow for video streaming and video conferencing.
A headset, with earphones and microphone, is required. Large, over-ear headsets are a good option because they include sound blocking for homes where noisy siblings are about.
Choose one of the following or any similar alternative:
Logitech Headset (simple, inexpensive USB headset)
PDF Capability:
Students are required to scan or photograph homework and then to upload it in PDF format.
Take steps to be sure you have the hardware and software needed and that you know how to use it.
This Book List is for the Oxrose Academy Live Classes. For Self-paced classes, please see the course descriptions at Oxrose Press.
The inclusion of courses on this list does not indicate course availability in any given academic year.
Classical Languages
Beginning Greek
Balme and Lawall, Athenaze, Book I, Textbook
Balme, Lawall, and Johnson, Athenaze, Book I, Workbook
NOTE: The 3rd edition books may also be used.
Latin Primer: Intro to Latin (7th)
Meyer, M. Introduction to Latin Workbook. Oxrose Press.
LL 1: Latin I (8th)
Rolling, A. and Meyer, M. Latin 1 Workbook. Oxrose Press.
Rolling, A. Latin 1 Textbook. Oxrose Press.
Traupman, John. Latin and English Dictionary. Bantam New College. 3rd Edition.
LL 2: Latin II (9th)
Rolling, A. and Meyer, M. Latin 2 Workbook. Oxrose Press.
Rolling, A. Latin 2 Textbook. Oxrose Press.
Traupman, John. Latin and English Dictionary. Bantam New College. 3rd Edition..
LL 3: Latin III (10th)
Latin and English Dictionary. Webster’s New World, 1977.
Meyer, M. and Rolling, A. Latin 3 Workbook. Oxrose Press.
Rolling, A. Latin 3 Textbook. Oxrose Press.
Latin 4-5: Intensive Reading (11th-12th)
Rolling, A. and Meyer, M. Latin 4/5-Advanced Reading. Oxrose Press.
Latin and English Dictionary. Webster’s New World, 1977.
Composition & Grammar
COMP Primer (7th)
Goldman, Norma. English Grammar for Students of Latin: The Study Guide for Those Learning Latin, Third Edition. Olivia & Hill Press, 2007.
COMP 1 (8th)
Goldman, Norma. English Grammar for Students of Latin: The Study Guide for Those Learning Latin, Third Edition. Olivia & Hill Press, 2007.
COMP 2 (9th)
Goldman, Norma. English Grammar for Students of Latin: The Study Guide for Those Learning Latin, Third Edition. Olivia & Hill Press, 2007.
COMP 3 (10th)
COMP 4 (11th)
COMP 5 (12th)
Empirical Science
ES Primer: Life Science (7th)
Introduction to Life Science Workbook. Oxrose Press.
Introduction to Life Science Field Journal. Oxrose Press.
Oxrose Life Science Materials Kit
ES 1: Earth Science (8th)
Nelstead, K. Earth Science: God's World, Our home. 2nd Edition. Novare.
Mays, John D. The Student Lab Report Handbook. Novare.
Oxrose Earth Science Materials Kit
ES 2: Introductory Physics (9th)
Mays, John D. Introductory Physics. Novare.
Mays, John D. The Student Lab Report Handbook. Novare.
Oxrose Physics Materials Kit
ES 3: General Biology (10th)
Ayala, H and Rogstad, K. General Biology. Novare.
Mays, John D. The Student Lab Report Handbook. Novare.
Oxrose Biology Materials Kit with Scale OR Oxrose Biology Materials Kit without Scale
ES 4: General Chemistry (11th)
Mays, John D. General Chemistry. Novare. 3rd Edition.
Mays, John D. The Student Lab Report Handbook. Novare.
Oxrose Chemistry Materials Kit Complete OR Oxrose Chemistry Materials Kit Basic
ES 5: Physics & Cosmology (12th)
Mays, John D. Physics: Modeling Nature. Novare. 2nd Edition.
Mays, John D. The Student Lab Report Handbook. Novare
Supplies list will be provided during the school year.
Great Books
GB Primer: Introduction to Great Books (7th)
Rolling, K. and Meyer, M. Introduction to Great Books Workbook. Oxrose Press.
GB 1: Ancient & Classical Times (8th)
Rolling, K. Ancient & Classical Times Workbook . Oxrose Press.
Ancient & Classical Times Reader Oxrose Press.
A Bible is required, but the student may use one that you already have. Alternatively, you may purchase one that will be required for GB 2 next year.
GB 2: The Christian Age (9th)
Ignatius Bible (RSV)
Tolkien, J.R.R., Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary
Dante Alighieri. The Divine Comedy I: Hell (Penguin Classics Edition, translated by Dorothy Sayers)
Rolling, K. The Christian Age Workbook. Oxrose Press.
The Christian Age Reader Oxrose Press.
GB 3: Modern Times (10th)
Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. Folger Shakespeare Library.
Shakespeare, William. The Merchant of Venice. Folger Shakespeare Library.
Tolkien, J.R.R., The Tolkien Reader. Del Rey.
Chesterton, G.K. Tales of the Longbow
Rolling, K. Modern Times Workbook. Oxrose Press.
Modern Times Reader Oxrose Press.
GB 4: The American Idea (11th)
Cooper, James F., The Deerslayer.
Mark Twain, Huckleberry Finn.
De Tocqueville Alexis. Democracy in America. Signet Classics Edition.
The Federalist Papers (Signet Classics Edition)
The Anti-federalist Papers (Signet Classics Edition)
O'Connor, Flannery. The Complete Stories.
Willa Cather, Death Comes for the Archbishop
Rolling, K. The American Idea Workbook. Oxrose Press.
Rolling, K. The American Idea Reader. Oxrose Press.
GB 5: Return to Tradition (12th)
Ignatius Bible (RSV) Same as required for GB2 and TPT 5
Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle. Signet Classics Edition.
Plato, Great Dialogues of Plato. Signet Classics Edition.
Virgil, Aeneid (Robert Fitzgerald translation)
Dante, The Divine Comedy II: Purgatory (Penguin Classics Edition, translated by Dorothy Sayers)
Lewis, C.S., The Great Divorce
Lewis, C.S., The Abolition of Man
Deneen, P. Why Liberalism Failed
Howard, T., Chance or the Dance?
Berry, W. Hannah Coulter
Solzhenitsyn, A. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. New American Library.
Cavanaugh, W. Being Consumed: Economics and Christian Desire.
Miller Jr., W. M. A Canticle for Leibowitz.
History Primer: Origins of World Cultures (7th)
All Ye Lands: Origins of World Cultures. Catholic Textbook Project.
History 1: Ancient & Classical Times (8th)
History 2: The Christian Age (9th)
Light to the Nations, Part I: Development of Christian Civilization. Catholic Textbook Project.
History 3: Modern Times (10th)
Light to the Nations, Part II: The Making of the Modern World. Catholic Textbook Project.
History 4: A History of North America (11th)
Lands of Hope and Promise. Catholic Textbook Project.
History 5: World History (12th)
McNeill & McNeill, The Human Web: A Bird's Eye View of World History
Strathern, Empire: A New History of the World
Dawson, C. Dynamics of World History
Modern Languages
French 1 (Elective)
de Roussy de Sales, R. Easy French Reader, 2nd McGraw-Hill Education, 2003.
Heminway, Annie. Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar. McGraw-Hill Education.
French 2 (Elective)
Heminway, Annie. Practice Makes Perfect: Complete French Grammar. McGraw-Hill Education, 2013.
Read & Think French with Audio CD. Edited by the Editors of Think French! Magazine. McGraw-Hill Education.
German 1 (Elective)
Leitner, Arnold. German Made Simple: Learn to Speak and Understand German Quickly and Easily. Made Simple Press, 2006.
German 2 (Elective)
Leitner, Arnold. German Made Simple: Learn to Speak and Understand German Quickly and Easily. Made Simple Press, 2006.
Swick, Ed. German Grammar Drills. Drills Series. McGraw-Hill, 2007.
German 3 (Elective)
Perlmann-Balme, Michaela. em neu. Ausgabe in drei Bänden: em neu 2008 Brückenkurs Arbeitsbuch: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Niveau. Heuber, 2008
Perlmann-Balme, Michaela. Em Neu Bruckenkurs Kursbuch. Heuber, 2008.
Perlmann-Balme, Michaela. Em Neu Brukenkurs: Deutsch Als Fremdsprache Niveaustufe B1 (Audio CD). Max Hueber Verlag, 2005.
Spiritual Formation
SF Primer: Catechism in Review (7th)
SF 1: Praying the Old Testament (8th)
Gray, T. Praying Scripture for a Change
Cavins, J. Walking with God
SF 2: Praying the New Testament (9th)
Gray, T. Praying Scripture for a Change
Rohrbach, P.T. Conversation with Christ
Bergsma, New Testament Bible Basics for Catholics
SF 3: Sacramental Life (10th)
Gray, T. Praying Scripture for a Change
Abandonment to Divine Providence
Gray, T. Sacraments in Scripture
SF 4: The Moral Life (11th)
Rziha, John, The Christian Moral Life: Directions for the Journey to Happiness
Lewis, C.S. The Screwtape Letters
Kreeft, Peter, The Journey
Cuddeback, John, True Friendship: Where Virtue Becomes Happiness
SF 5: Vocational Life (12th)
Dubay, Thomas, Fire Within: St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and the Gospel-On Prayer
Habiger Institute, True Leadership
Gallagher, Timothy, Discerning the Will of God
Studio Art
Drawing 1 (Elective)
Beginning Drawing Atelier: An Instructional Sketchbook
1 Oxrose Drawing 1 Kit Includes: (1) 5.5 x 8.5 80-page Oxrose Logo Sketchbook, (1) 11 x 14 inch 25 Sheets Sketch Paper, 20-piece Drawing Kit, and Oxrose Logo Pencil bag.
Drawing 2 (Elective)
Beginning Drawing Atelier: An Instructional Sketchbook
1 Oxrose Drawing 2 Kit. Includes: (1) 5.5 x 8.5 100-page Sketchbook, (1) 11 x 14 inch 50-page Drawing Pad, willow vine charcoal, pen holder, nibs, black Indian ink. Add-ons include: Oxrose logo pencil bag and 20-piece drawing set
Drawing 3 (Elective)
1 Oxrose Drawing 3 Kit. Includes: Colored Pencils, Water Color Pencils, chalk pastels, oil pastels, 5.5 x 8.5 Mixed Media 100-page Sketchbook, 11 x 14 Mixed Media 60-page Sketchbook. Drawing 1 and 2 supplies may be added on.
Trivium - Philosophy - Theology
TPT Primer: Intro to Logic (7th)
Kenneth Rolling, Logic Primer Workbook. Oxrose Press.
TPT 1: Formal Logic (8th)
Cothran, Martin, Traditional Logic I - Student Text and Student Workbook (Memoria Press)
Nota Bene: The first edition (2000) of the Traditional Logic I textbook will also suffice. It includes both the text and workbook. The third edition books are also available from Memoria Press.
Kenneth Rolling, Logic 1 Workbook
TPT 2: Advanced Logic & Rhetoric (9th)
Kenneth Rolling, Advanced Logic Workbook. Oxrose Press.
Kenneth Rolling, Rhetoric Workbook. Second Edition. Oxrose Press.
TPT 3: Nature, Man, & Science (10th)
Thomas Aquinas, The Division and Methods of the Sciences. Translated by Armand Maurer. Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1986.
Rolling, K. Nature, Man, and Science Reader. Oxrose Press.
Nature, Man, and Science Workbook. Oxrose Press.
TPT 4: Natural Theology & Law (11th)
Ed Feser, Aquinas: A Beginner's Guide
Budziszewski, What We Can't Not Know
TPT 5: Revealed Theology (12th)
Thomas Joseph White, OP, The Light of Christ: An Introduction to Catholicism
Joseph Ratzinger, Introduction to Christianity, 2nd Edition
Ignatius Bible (RSV) Same as required in GB 2 and GB 5