Technology - All Live Classes

Computer and Internet:
  • Students will be required to have regular access to a computer with internet speeds that allow for video streaming and video conferencing.
  • A headset, with earphones and microphone, is required. Large, over-ear headsets are a good option because they include sound blocking for homes where noisy siblings are about.
  • Choose one of the following or any similar alternative:
PDF Capability:
  • Students are required to scan or photograph homework and then to upload it in PDF format.
  • Take steps to be sure you have the hardware and software needed and that you know how to use it.


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This Book List is for the Oxrose Academy Live Classes.  For Self-paced classes, please see the course descriptions at Oxrose Press.
The inclusion of courses on this list does not indicate course availability in any given academic year.

Classical Languages

Beginning Greek
Latin Primer: Intro to Latin  (7th)
LL 1: Latin I  (8th)
LL 2: Latin II  (9th)
LL 3: Latin III  (10th)
Latin 4-5: Intensive Reading  (11th-12th)

Composition & Grammar

COMP Primer (7th)
COMP 1 (8th)
COMP 2 (9th)
COMP 3 (10th)
  • None.
COMP 4 (11th)
  • None
COMP 5 (12th)
  • None

Empirical Science

ES Primer: Life Science (7th)
ES 1: Earth Science  (8th)
ES 2: Introductory Physics  (9th)
ES 3: General Biology  (10th)
ES 4: General Chemistry (11th)
ES 5: Physics & Cosmology (12th)

Great Books

GB Primer: Introduction to Great Books (7th)
GB 1: Ancient & Classical Times (8th)
GB 2: The Christian Age (9th)
GB 3: Modern Times (10th)
GB 4: The American Idea (11th)
GB 5: Return to Tradition (12th)


History Primer: Origins of World Cultures  (7th)
History 1: Ancient & Classical Times  (8th)
History 2: The Christian Age  (9th)
History 3: Modern Times  (10th)
History 4: A History of North America  (11th)
History 5: World History  (12th)


Math 7/6  (7th)
Math 8/7  (8th)
Math: Algebra 1  (9th)
Math: Algebra 2   (10th)
Math: Advanced Math I (11th)
Math: Advanced Math II (12th)

Modern Languages

French 1  (Elective)
French 2  (Elective)
German 1  (Elective)
German 2  (Elective)
German 3  (Elective)
  • Perlmann-Balme, Michaela. em neu. Ausgabe in drei Bänden: em neu 2008 Brückenkurs Arbeitsbuch: Deutsch als Fremdsprache Niveau. Heuber, 2008
  • Perlmann-Balme, Michaela. Em Neu Bruckenkurs Kursbuch. Heuber, 2008.
  • Perlmann-Balme, Michaela. Em Neu Brukenkurs: Deutsch Als Fremdsprache Niveaustufe B1 (Audio CD). Max Hueber Verlag, 2005.

Spiritual Formation

SF Primer: Catechism in Review  (7th)
SF 1: Praying the Old Testament  (8th)
SF 2: Praying the New Testament  (9th)
SF 3: Sacramental Life  (10th)
SF 4: The Moral Life (11th)
SF 5: Vocational Life (12th)

Studio Art

Drawing 1 (Elective)
Drawing 2  (Elective)
Drawing 3 (Elective)
  • 1 Oxrose Drawing 3 Kit. Includes: Colored Pencils, Water Color Pencils, chalk pastels, oil pastels, 5.5 x 8.5 Mixed Media 100-page Sketchbook, 11 x 14 Mixed Media 60-page Sketchbook. Drawing 1 and 2 supplies may be added on.

Trivium - Philosophy - Theology

TPT Primer: Intro to Logic (7th)
TPT 1: Formal Logic (8th)
  • Cothran, Martin, Traditional Logic I - Student Text and Student Workbook  (Memoria Press)
    • Nota Bene: The first edition (2000) of the Traditional Logic I textbook will also suffice.  It includes both the text and workbook.  The third edition books are also available from Memoria Press.
  • Kenneth Rolling, Logic 1 Workbook
TPT 2: Advanced Logic & Rhetoric (9th)
TPT 3: Nature, Man, & Science (10th)
TPT 4: Natural Theology & Law (11th)
TPT 5: Revealed Theology (12th)

Email:  Call: 507-822-6966