The Rolling Acres School ~ Online Academy and Schola Rosa will be attending the following Catholic homeschool conferences this year. Stop by our booth to visit with conference representatives, get discounts, and possibly win prizes!
- April 6, IHM Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI
- April 21, IHM Southeastern Louisiana, Covington, LA
- May 19–20, Quo Vadis, Indainapolis, IN
- May 19–20, IHM Carolina, Belmont, NC
- May 26, IHM Georgia, Roswell, GA
- June 2, IHM Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
- June 2–3, Minnesota Catholic Home Educators Conference, St. Paul, MN — Kenneth and Alecia Rolling will be presenting at the conference
- June 9–10, Kansas City Conference for Catholic Homeschoolers, Kansas City, MO — Door prizes available!
- June 16, IHM Lafayette, Lafayette, LA
- June 17, Blackhills Catholic Home Educators Homeschool Conference, Rapid City, SD — Kenneth Rolling, Alecia Rolling, & T. Matthew Meyer will be keynote speakers and presenting in workshops
- June 23–24, IHM National, Fredericksburg, VA
- July 6–7, IHM Chicago, Woodridge, IL
- July 14–15, Rocky Mountain Catholic Home Educators Conference, Denver, CO — T. Matthew & Abigail Meyer will be presenting at the conference
- July 21–22, IHM North Texas, Arlington, TX
- July 28–29, IHM New England, Lowell, MA
2017 Conference Attendance