Section outline

    • Unit 5: Esther—Courage & God’s Providence

    • Day 1

      • Print the Activity Sheet.
      • Watch the Video Lecture, and on the Activity Sheet:
        • Fill out the “Background on the Literature Reading.” 
        • Read and annotate the “Literature Reading.”
      • Reread the “Literature Reading(this time on your own, without the video lecture).

    • Day 2
      • Reread the “Literature Passage.”
      • Begin answering the “Reading Comprehension Questions” on the Activity Sheet.
    • Day 3

      • Finish the “Reading Comprehension Questions.”
      • Take the Quiz, retake as necessary.

    • Day 4

      • Attend LIVE Class or Co-op Meeting—or—discuss material with a parent or tutor.
      • Fill out the “Discussion Notes” on the Activity Sheet during the class meeting.

    • Day 5

    • Due: Friday, 28 September 2018, 11:59 PM
    • Unit 8: Herodotus—Happiness & History

    • Day 1

      • Print the Activity Sheet.
      • Watch the Video Lecture, and on the Activity Sheet:
        • Fill out the “Background on the Literature Reading.” 
        • Read and annotate the “Literature Reading.”
      • Reread the “Literature Reading(this time on your own, without the video lecture).

    • Day 2
      • Reread the “Literature Passage.”
      • Begin answering the “Reading Comprehension Questions” on the Activity Sheet.
    • Day 3

      • Finish the “Reading Comprehension Questions.”
      • Take the Quiz, retake as necessary.
      • Begin working on the “Composition Assigment” on the Activity Sheets.

    • Day 4

      • Attend LIVE Class or Co-op Meeting—or—discuss material with a parent or tutor.
      • Fill out the “Discussion Notes” on the Activity Sheet during the class meeting.
      • Continue working on the “Composition Assigment” (Due in Unit 9).

    • Day 5

      • Complete Study Skills Unit 8.
      • Submit the Activity Sheet to be graded.
      • Continue working on the “Composition Assigment” (Due in Unit 9)

    • Due: Friday, 19 October 2018, 11:59 PM
    • Unit 25: Chaucer—The Canterbury Tales

    • Day 1

      • Print the Activity Sheet.
      • Watch the Video Lecture, and on the Activity Sheet:
        • Fill out the “Background on the Literature Reading.” 
        • Read and annotate the “Literature Reading.”
      • Reread the “Literature Reading(this time on your own, without the video lecture).

    • Day 2
      • Reread the “Literature Passage.”
      • Begin answering the “Reading Comprehension Questions” on the Activity Sheet.
    • Day 3

      • Finish the “Reading Comprehension Questions.”
      • Take the Quiz, retake as necessary.

    • Day 4

      • Attend LIVE Class or Co-op Meeting—or—discuss material with a parent or tutor.
      • Fill out the “Discussion Notes” on the Activity Sheet during the class meeting.

    • Day 5

    • Due: Friday, 29 March 2019, 11:59 PM