Section outline

    • UNIT 4 ~ Letter to the Romans, Ignatius of Antioch—The Martyr's Love

    • Day 1

      • Begin reading the Letter to the Romans by St. Ignatius of Antioch (Socratic Discussion)
      • Begin the “Reading Questions” on the Activity Sheet
      • Begin reading the 1 Corinithians, chapters 1–16 (Literature) from the Bible
      • Begin the "Literary Concept" task on the Activity Sheet

    • Day 2

      • Finish reading the Letter to the Romans by St. Ignatius of Antioch (Socratic Discussion)
      • Finish the “Reading Questions” on the Activity Sheet
      • Continue reading the 1 Corinithians, chapters 1–16 (Literature) from the Bible
      • Continue the "Literary Concept" task on the Activity Sheet

    • Day 3

      • Watch the Video Lecture
      • Take the Lecture Quiz, retake as necessary
      • Continue reading the 1 Corinithians, chapters 1–16 (Literature) from the Bible
      • Continue the "Literary Concept" task on the Activity Sheet

    • Day 4
      • Finish reading the 1 Corinithians, chapters 1–16 (Literature) from the Bible
      • Finish the "Literary Concept" task on the Activity Sheet
    • Day 5
      • Print the Notation Sheet.
      • Attend LIVE class or Co-op meeting--or--discuss the material with a parent or tutor
      • Submit the "Reading Questions" and "Literary Concept" on the Activity Sheet to be graded 
    • Due: Tuesday, 18 September 2018, 11:59 PM
    • UNIT 17 ~ The Song of Roland—Feudalism, Fighting for God

    • Day 1

      • Begin reading the The Song of Roland (Socratic Discussion)
      • Begin the “Reading Questions” on the Activity Sheet
      • Begin reading Beowulf lines 2368–2540 (Literature)
      • Begin the "Literary Concept" task on the Activity Sheet

    • Audio for Song of Roland ~

    • Day 2

      • Finish reading the Song of Roland (Socratic Discussion)
      • Finish the “Reading Questions” on the Activity Sheet
      • Continue reading the Beowulf lines 2368–2540 (Literature)
      • Continue the "Literary Concept" task on the Activity Sheet

    • Day 3

      • Watch the Video Lecture
      • Take the Lecture Quiz, retake as necessary
      • Continue reading Beowulf lines 2368–2540 (Literature) 
      • Continue the "Literary Concept" task on the Activity Sheet

    • Day 4
      • Finish reading the Beowulf lines 2368–2540  (Literature) 
      • Finish the "Literary Concept" task on the Activity Sheet
    • Day 5
      • Attend LIVE class or Co-op meeting--or--discuss the material with a parent or tutor
      • Submit the "Reading Questions" and "Literary Concept" on the Activity Sheet to be graded
    • Due: Tuesday, 22 January 2019, 11:59 PM
    • Extras