Section outline

    • UNIT 3 The Completeness of Concepts (Advanced Logic) The first half of the year focuses on Advanced Logic

    • Day 1
      • Print Advanced Logic Workbook, Chapter 3
      • Review the instructions for Exercise 1
      • Skim, read, and annotate the chapter as instructed.
    • Day 2
      • Watch the Video Lecture
      • Complete the summary in "Exercise 1"
      • Begin to fill out the Study Guide
    • Day 3
      • Attend LIVE class
      • Improve your Study Guide
      • Fill in the "In Class Notes and Activities" page.
    • Day 4
      • Do "Exercise 2"
      • Study for and take the Quiz; repeat for mastery.
    • Day 5
      • Improve and finalize all materials.
      • Retake the quiz, as needed.
      • Submit your work on time.
    • Due: Friday, 16 September 2022, 11:59 PM
      • Ex. 1 (mini-outline, annotation, and summary); Ex. 2, Study Guide, and the In-Class Notes
    • UNIT 16: Modes of Persuasion (Rhetoric) - Second half of the year focuses on Rhetoric

    • Day 1
      • Print the Study Guide for your binder, filling it out as you complete the unit.
      • Read Rhetoric Workbook, Chapter 2.
      • Begin the exercises in the workbook
    • Day 2
      • Watch the Video Lecture
      • Continue work on the reading, exercises, and Study Guide.
    • Day 3
      • Attend LIVE class or Co-op meeting -or- Discuss the material with a parent or tutor.
    • Day 4
      • Continue work on the reading, exercises, and Study Guide
      • Study the Study Guide and take the Quiz; retake as needed
    • Day 5
      • Finish and submit the workbook exercises and Study Guide for this unit.
    • Due: Friday, 20 January 2023, 11:59 PM