THE BOOK LIST : Check to be sure you have everything you need.
Required: Scientific Calculator (Highly Recommended: Texas Instruments TI 30XIIS.)
Grading Policy
Grade Calculation: The instructor will calculate a grade based on the following percentages:
Online Quizzes: 35%
Homework: 35%
Test: 20%
Participation: 10%
Grading Schedule & Late Work:
The Instructor will grade assignments during the week after the deadline under normal circumstances.
The instructor will recheck the assignment upload for late work one week after the deadline.
No assignments will be graded after one week late or the end of semester deadlines.
Homework Uploads
All assignments must be in PDF format. No other document type will be accepted. All assignment uploads should be saved on your home computer for the duration of the course.
Upload Order: Activity Sheets, class problems, homework (practice set and problem set in order by lesson)
Page Limit: 20 pages (including Activity Sheets)
Attendance & Participation
Attendance is required for LIVE class meetings.
In the event of a necessary absence, a parent should contact the instructor via messaging to obtain an "Excused Absence" for the student.
Students are graded for participation, including preparedness and active engagement, at each class meeting.
Use of Saxon Materials
Use of any material and photos from the textbook were permitted by Dawn Gierman of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Graph Paper
Attached is a PDF that has graphs on it that you may print to use. You can either cut out a graph and paste it on your homework page or scan in the graph paper as part of your assignment if you aren't exceeding the page limit by doing so.