The solemnity of Saint Joseph is March 19
Notes for the Week
YEAR BOOK PHOTOS: Please take a moment to support the school and the hard-working yearbook editors: upload your photo today in the League course page.
REMINDERS: Chess Sign-Up, Summer Camp Sign-Up, Yearbook Purchase, Enrollment Open
POEM of the WEEK: "The Ash Grove" Traditional Welsh Song. Sung by Maria Barron.
Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome. Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.
EASTER BREAK REMEDIAL DAYS: Next week is Holy Week and the beginning of the break for the Academy.
usual, it is crucial that students use the beginning of the break to
put things in order BEFORE they take time off. Students should organize
and improve Study Guides and Key Concepts, catch up quizzes and work,
and even get ahead where possible.
Once we are back, the end of the year and all of those UNIT 30 FINAL EXAMS, come along very quickly.
TIP of the MORNING: Age quod agis. "Do what you are doing." Dedicate your attention and full effort to the task you have before you right now.