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UNIT 3 ~ Down to Work

UNIT 3 ~ Down to Work

by Kenneth Rolling -
Number of replies: 0

English: Edith Martineau - The quarry workers, 1887
"The quarry workers" by Edith Martineau (1887)

Welcome to Unit 3, here are the items for this week:

TIP of the MORNING: According to the authors of Learning How to Learn, our brains work in two basic modes when learning.  In focus mode we concentrate hard on what we are doing or learning, while in diffuse mode we let our minds rest and run free to process the information and creatively connect ideas.   Both modes are crucial, not just focus mode.

Try this: Do focus mode for 15 minutes (concentrate and work hard), then do diffuse mode for 3 minutes (get up and walk around, letting your mind think about other things).  Then start the process over.  As the authors put it "Eyes on the prize.  Eyes on the flies."

Reference: Learning How to Learn: A Guide for Kids and Teens, Barbara Oakley and Terrence Sejnowski, Tarcher Perigree (2018), chapter one.

JOIN (or REJOIN) the LEAGUE: You may join (or rejoin) a house this year at any time.  New or old League members just need to complete the first challenge and send Mr. Rolling a message.  You will be activated and can join into the next challenge immediately.  All new house members are heartily welcomed and thanks to all who participated in the House Sorting on Friday.

YEARBOOK: Calling on all students who are interested in being on the yearbook committee this year to send a note to Mrs. Walker.  She will add you to the group chat.  If you are interested in photography, interviews, publishing, etc., consider joining.  We will be selecting our editors and getting started very soon

MESSAGING: Two important reminders: 
1) Messaging is for AFTER homework.  You must be disciplined or you may lose the privilege!

2) Please help us to SAVE SPACE on the website by not posting too many messages.  There is space if we all use it with moderation, but try to avoid some of the long strings that have popped up in the House Chat Groups in the past.

POEM of the WEEK: Kicking off the new year in style we have "Pied Beauty" by Gerard Manley Hopkins.  Recited by Susanna Henry.



Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.

That is all we have for this week.  Be sure to check out some of the more obscure and wonderfully unique saints on the calendar this week.  Saints Pulcheria, Paphnutius, and Hyacinth; pray for us!