"Wedding at Cana" by Frans Francken the Younger (ca. 1619)
Welcome to UNIT 17. Epiphanytide and the role call of wonderful saints continue. Here are a few notes for the week:
AN ORDINARY WEEK: There is nothing extraordinary going on this week. Steady on into the encounter with the real, wisdom, and greater love of God and each other!
MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY: Monday is a civil holiday in the US, commemorating the life of the orator and civil rights campaigner.
Oxrose will hold classes on its regular schedule--we save our days off for the Church's holidays.
We should join our hopes to those of Dr. King--that our country will become ever more just and charitable. We pray for the repose of his soul, as well.
Read his famous "I Have a Dream" speech here, if you have parental permission.
HEADMASTER'S OFFICE HOURS: Another adjustment, thank you for your patience.
My hours will be Monday, Wednesday, Friday 3:45-4:15 PM Central; however, I will NOT hold Monday hours this week.
SPIRIT WEEK: Next week we will celebrate our school's annual high festival, thanking God for each other and honoring Saint Thomas, our main patron. Look for announcements about the activities to be posted this week, including special schedule, dress up days, contests, house battles, and all the rest!
BIRTHDAYS: If your birthday is not listed on the school calendar, please send a quick message to Mrs. Walker with your date included. We are sorry we missed you!
POEM of the WEEK: "For Love of Me" by the Benedictines of Mary. Sung by Mary Wagner.
Student and Instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome (sung poetry is welcome, too). Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.
Yearbook: Get those head shots in!
Parents' Forum: Click HERE for the invitation link (for parents, only).
Summer Camp: Kansas, July 20-26, 2025 - Mark your calendar!