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UNIT 21 ~ Fra Angelico to Peter's Chair

UNIT 21 ~ Fra Angelico to Peter's Chair

by Kenneth Rolling -
Number of replies: 0

Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico (cropped) [ca. 1450]
Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico (cropped) [ca. 1450]

This week we commemorate Fra Angelico, for whom our Art Guild is named.  Read about him HERE.  We close the week with the feast of the Chair of Saint Peter on Saturday. 

Here are the notes for the week:

MIDTERM EXAMS:  Look for midterms in units 21-23 for Latin, Math, and Science classes.  As usual, prioritize exams over regular work, study hard, and do well for the Glory of God.

VIDEO SCHOLARSHIP CONTEST: Just in time for break, here is an exciting contest for the whole family.  All family members (parents, too) may help create your entry.  $1000 and $500 scholarships available.  Good luck!

>>CLICK HERE FOR THE FLYER<< containing the description and deadline

PRESIDENTS DAY: Monday is the federal holiday of Presidents Day, which is celebrated on the birthday of George Washington.  We pause to pray in gratitude for the gifts we have through the work of our presidents, to pray for our current president, and to pray for the souls of all past presidents.  Oxrose remains open on this holiday.

REMINDER about LATE STARTS: Please be sure to call the office, if any class has not started by 5 minutes past schedule.  Teachers having tech difficulties are not always able to reach us, so the call in is crucial.

POEM of the WEEK:  To be added on Tuesday.

YEARBOOK HEADSHOTS: Please take a moment to get your yearbook picture submitted this week.  Our wonderful volunteer editors are working hard to create our yearbook, let's help them out by turning in those pictures now, so they have time to get things wrapped up in a timely way.  The yearbook is for all students - not just league members.  Find the upload on the League page.

WISDOM of the THEOLOGIANS: On the Chair of Peter
"All this is yet but a beginning of the mystery of unity.  Jesus Christ, in beginning it, still spoke to many: Go, preach; I send you.  Now, when He would put the last hand to the mystery of unity, He speaks no longer to many: He marks out Peter personally, and by the new name which He has given him. It is One who speaks to one: Jesus Christ the Son of God to Simon son of Jonas; Jesus Christ, who is the true Stone, strong of Himself, to Simon, who is only the stone by the strength which Jesus Christ imparts to him.  It is to him that Christ speaks, and in speaking acts on him, and stamps upon him His own immovableness.  'And I,' He says, 'say to you, you are Peter; and,' He adds, 'upon this rock I will build my Church,' and, He concludes, 'the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.' [Mt. 16, 18]  To prepare him for that honor Jesus Christ, who knows that faith in Himself is the foundation of His Church, inspires Peter with a faith worthy to be the foundation of that admirable building. 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' [Mt. 16, 16]  By that bold preaching of the faith he [Peter] draws to himself the inviolable promise which makes him the foundation of the Church."  —Excerpted from The See of St. Peter, Jacques Bossuet as found on


Chess:  Spring Chess sign up is available.  Join Today!

Yearbook: Get those head shots in!

Parents' Forum: Click HERE for the invitation link (for parents only). 

Summer Camp: Kansas, July 20-26, 2025 - Mark your calendar