"Spring is Coming" Vitold Byalynitsky-Birulya (1911), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
REMEDIAL DAY: Monday, February 24
IT IS ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that you catch up quizzes, complete missed parts of assignments, organize materials for study & exams, work ahead on compositions, study for UNIT 22 and 23 exams, and, as usual, get all of your ducks in a row BEFORE enjoying the break. Please do not enter into vacation mode, until you have done so.
Study Hall will be from 3:30 to 5:30 PM Central. Use >>this link<<
SPRING BREAK: February 24-28
After remedial day, the school is closed this week for Spring Break. Most years our holiday is taken the week of Ash Wednesday, but this year that came so late that we opted not to wait.
There are no class meetings, tutor times, or new assignments. Instructors are off of messaging. The school site will remain available throughout the break for students catching up on work.
We hope that everyone has a restful and rejuvenating holiday.
Just in time for break, here is an exciting contest for the whole family. All family members (parents, too) may help create your entry. $1000 and $500 scholarships available. Good luck!
>>CLICK HERE FOR THE FLYER<< containing the description and deadline
Please take a moment to get your yearbook picture submitted this week. Our wonderful volunteer editors are working hard to create our yearbook, let's help them out by turning in those pictures now, so they have time to get things wrapped up in a timely way. The yearbook is for all students - not just league members. Find the upload on the League page.