Pray Today: For the entire Oxrose community. Ask for the intercession of Saint Thomas Aquinas, whose feast we celebrate today.
Tutor Time Today: Chant Day! All questions and answers in Tutor Time must be voiced in chant.
Mini-Challenge: Pray like a Friar! Join with others in the Oxrose community to pray a short version of morning, midday, and evening prayer. To complete the task you must attend only one, but you are welcome and encouraged to attend all three.
- Go to <<Zoom Link>>
- At 7:00 A.M., 12:00 Noon, and 4:00 P.M. Central
- Use this pamphlet.
- Here you may find music for the chant.
- A recording of it . . .
N.L.O Members may earn points by marking the challenge as complete on the League page. Come! Chant! Be merry in the serious glory of God! (And, complete your mini-challenge.)
Fun & Games:
Riddle Contest: Clues 1 - 6 are now available. Use the clues to solve the riddle, send your answer to Mr. Rolling in messaging. If there are multiple correct guesses, the winners will be invited to a riddle contest to determine the winner, hobbit style. The contest will stay open until we have a correct guess. DON"T SHARE ANSWERS! It would ruin the fun.
Costume Contest: All costume contest nominees have been notified. Be sure to get your photo submissions in right away for judging. Winner gets a Tolkien Bestiary! Clue five.
House Mini-challenge Contest: Get all of your mini-challenges complete and recorded before time runs out on Saturday night. See the League page for rules.