Notes for the Week
MONDAY, September 5 ~ School Closed ~ No classes or tutor times; however, the workload is NOT altered for next week. Monday is a day of labor on the agendas.
>Classes and tutor times will be held as scheduled Tuesday through Friday.
> Teachers will be giving out assignments using messaging - Check Your Messages!
> Assignments will be focused on fixing, improving, and perfecting all of your work and participation from units 1 & 2 so that you know how to succeed in every class.
> This is a "Check Up" week! Make time this week to open up your student's grade books and see how things are going.
> Then schedule a time to meet with your student and "check in." Talk about what is going well, what is going poorly, and how to improve.
> If you need to, reach out to a teacher in messaging and stop by a tutor time.
> If we catch problems now, they don't have time to fester!