Here are the notes for the week:
> LAST OF THE MIDTERMS: This week includes the last of the midterm exams in various classes. Work hard, prioritize tests over other tasks, make a schedule, stay in communication with your teachers, and do well. Everyone say a prayer for academic excellence among your peers.
> ALL SAINTS DAY SCHEDULE NEXT WEEK: The school will enjoy an adjusted schedule on the solemnity next week, as we recall and celebrate the Church Triumphant. Look for information to be posted in Unit 9 of the course suites and on the main Dashboard, coming later today.
> MORE CHESS WORKSHOPS: I am happy to report that Mr. Bloom will be offering two more workshops for us, over the next few months: an intermediate session and a new beginner's session. See the Dashboard for further details, coming later today.
> WISDOM OF THOMAS A' KEMPIS: "God speaks: You are never safe in this life, my son, as long as you live, you will always need spiritual weapons. It is among your enemies that you spend your days; the attack may come from any quarter. If you fail to use the shield of patience on every side, it will not be long before you get wounded." The Imitation of Christ, Book 3, Section 35
Image: Autumn Morning by Grigoriy Myasoyedov. Public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.