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UNIT 16 ~ A Week of Many Saints

UNIT 16 ~ A Week of Many Saints

by Kenneth Rolling -
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This week we are enriched by the feasts of a great many wonderful saints.  Be sure to read up on them at the Liturgical Day link on the Dashboard.

Saint Anthony the Great, Father of Monks, January 17

Notes for this Week:
YEARBOOK COMMITTEE OPEN HOUSE: If you are interested in layout and design, photography, writing, and generally having a good time, you should come and learn about joining the Yearbook Committee.  This glorious band gets to create the yearbook for this school year.  
Where: Follow the Headmaster's Tutor Time Link on your dashboard.
When: 7 PM Central on Monday, January 16
Who: Students, grades 9-12

SPIRIT WEEK: Next week is our annual School Spirit Week.  It falls each year on the feast of our glorious patron, Saint Thomas Aquinas.  There will be the usual batch of exciting games and fun, as well as class pictures, house competitions, and more.  Look for the schedule to be posted on the Dashboard this week and start preparations. 

POEM of the WEEK: "How to be Happy" by Anonymous
Student and instructor contributions for "Poem of the Week" are welcome.  Send a message to Mr. Rolling with "Poem of the Week," and the title and author of the poem you would like to recite.

Image: Saint Anthony, print from Hieronymus Wierix and Johannes Wierix, after Martin Schongauer (circa 1564, MET 2012.136.699).  Public domain courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.