The Student Portal gives access to an online suite of materials that includes:
- Video Lectures
- Agendas
- Study Guides
- Assignments and Uploads
- Quizzes and Tests
- Grade Book and Messaging

A live, online class meeting that focuses upon drill and discussion. Students interact with the instructor and each other by means of video/audio conferencing and typed chat.

All Classes include weekly assignments — reflections and persuasive essays, Latin compositions, written analysis of arguments — these assignments are graded and feedback is given by instructors.

Each class comes with 2 to 3 days of informal study halls, wherein instructors are available to provide one-on-one help.
- Monday thru Friday
- All LIVE students
- No additional charge

What is a flipped classroom?
The idea is that the lecture or presentation, which in the past was always done in class, and the independent student work, which was always done at home, are rearranged. To make this possible, lectures are available on video and are assigned to be watched before class time, while class time is devoted to working on problems, discussion, explaining difficult sections, and individual help. The result is lectures that are repeatable resources, available at any time, and class times that are dynamic, interactive, and focused on getting things done.
Highlights of a Flipped Classroom
- Recorded lectures to be watched outside of class, freeing up in-class time;
- Live class time that emphasize interaction: activity, drill, and dialogue;
- Online Community emerges from increase interaction: friendships, mentoring, and a culture of learning can develop.
Helpful Resources
ARTICLE ~"Online school for your 13-year-old? Depends on the kid 'There’s definitely a trade-off ... You have to be on top of things,’ one mom says" at Today
VIDEO ~ "Blended Learning in 2 Minutes and 38 Seconds" on YouTube
F.A.Q. PAGE~ "You Can Do It!" on teaching at home in the high school years at Home School Legal Defense Association
ARTICLE ~ "The Unexamined Life" by Robert Royal - On the limits of intellectual education, but, perhaps inadvertently, on the merits of home education!

The students and families who flourish in online schooling all seem to display a basic set of attributes and skills. It is very helpful to consider these as you make decisions about whether or not to try online schooling and our program, in particular. Here are the essential attributes of the successful family. First, these families have developed a studious home environment, there is an appropriate degree of quiet and order. Second, these families maintain discipline regarding academics ~ the work gets done and deadlines are met. Parents maintain oversight during all online activity. Third, successful families take full advantage of the services provided, especially tutoring. In addition, they maintain good communication with the instructors, ask good questions, and seek help when needed. Fourth, these families support the mission of the teachers and the school. They are excited about the program precisely for being what it is and push the students to conform to what is being asked of them. Fifth, these families insure that the students and parents know how to use the technology required. Students need to know how to operate their computers, type, trouble shoot issues with headsets, use word processing software, and so forth. Because of the limits on the type of oversight the instructors provide, it is essential that parents try online schooling with their eyes wide open to its limits and benefits.
Tips for Success in Online Schooling at Home
- Create a Studious Environment
- Maintain Academic Discipline
- Oversight of Internet Use & Study
- Take Advantage of all services
- Keep Communication open
- Buy-in to the Mission of the School
- Master the Technology
Please contact the school to discuss your circumstances and ways to be prepared for the transition to online classes.
Helpful Resources
ARTICLE ~ "Keep Your Child Safe Online" - A review of various parental control software options at PC Magazine
ARTICLE ~ "Raising Children of Character: 10 Principles" by Thomas Lickona at CERC
ARTICLE ~ "Take Back Your Kids: How to Teach and Get Respect" by William Doherty at CERC