We are pleased to announce that the Academy has begun the formal process of accreditation with Cognia. Our decision to pursue accreditation is undertaken with the goal of critically reviewing our academic, business, and administrative practices in order to find ways to continue to improve.  In addition, we know accreditation is a meaningful criterion for enrollment decisions for many families.  Accreditation is an extended process that will involve input from students and teachers in time. We ask all of you to pray for us, and to contribute at some steps, as we make our way through it. If you have questions at any point in time, please do not hesitate to ask.
Update: Candidate for Accreditation with NCA, CASI, NWAC, and SACS CASI as of Spring 2021. We are working toward completing the accreditation process by 2021-2022. This can be a long process, and we look forward to our families helping us throughout the 2021-2022 Academic Year with class visits, student interviews, parent interviews, and teacher interviews.
Accreditation in the Works – Please Pray!

Call Mary! (507) 822-6966    Email: office@oxroseacademy.com