Our full-time 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students have been registered to take the CLT 8 (for 7th-8th grade) and CLT 10 (9th-10th grade) on March 12th. This will be a remotely proctored exam, so please mark your calendars. More details are on the way to registered-students via snail mail.
We are incorporating annual testing using the CLT in order to allow us to track student performance as compared to students nationwide and to provide valuable in-house data for improving our curriculum.  You may find out more about the CLT here.
Student who are not full-time may be registered for the CLT 8 for $24 or for the CLT 10 for $13. These are discounted rates available through our school.
Please contact us at the.rolling.acres.school@gmail.com.
CLT This Spring 2021!

Email: office@oxroseacademy.com  Call: 507-822-6966